Automatic Download
All our newsletters are available in digital format. They can be emailed to you or downloaded directly from our website. And, for extra visibility and readership in your school or district (depending on the level you choose), with a subscription to Building Readers, Helping Children/Students Learn, or a ready-to-reproduce subscription to Parents make/still make the difference!, you may reproduce and/or electronically distribute the entire newsletter!
These subscriptions also include our popular "automatic download" feature. After a one-time, no-fee setup by you or your webmaster, the latest issue will automatically appear on your school or district website each month. With no work for you, your website stays up-to-date and families get the latest ideas to help their child boost achievement.
How it works:
If you choose to have the current issue of your newsletter appear automatically on your website each month, you or your webmaster will simply copy and paste to add some basic HTML code (we will provide this) to your HTML editor (like FrontPage or DreamWeaver) in the location of your choice. The link to the newsletter will then appear as a miniature version of the newsletter, like the example on the right, exactly in the location you have chosen!
When a parent clicks on the miniature newsletter image, the full, personalized version will be displayed. That's all there is to it!
From that point on, with no additional work, your school/district website will be providing your families with the most current, helpful information to help their children succeed academically and in life!