Newsletter Copyright Information
Building Readers
Building Level Ready-to-Reproduce Subscription License
- Your subscription to Building Readers® allows you to reproduce and distribute in print and electronically all or just the parts you select of the entire newsletter within one school building.
- You may post the personalized issues of Building Readers®, including accompanying artwork, on your school webite or even email them directly to parents. When using individual articles, please give credit with a statement such as: “Reprinted with permission of The Parent Institute.” Note: Only the entire issue will be available for online downloading and you will not be able to copy and paste articles out of the PDF format.
- You may remove selected Building Readers® stories and substitute articles you have written locally. The substituted items must be clearly identifiable as local stories—a school calendar, message from the principal, etc.
- Copyrighted materials from other sources may not be substituted in Building Readers®.
- You may reproduce the Building Readers® logos only when copying the entire newsletter or its individual pages. You may not alter or use the logos in any other way.
District Level Ready-to-Reproduce Subscription License
- Your subscription to Building Readers® allows you to reproduce and distribute in print and electronically all or just the parts you select of the entire newsletter within your district.
- You may post the personalized issues of Building Readers®, including accompanying artwork, on your district or school websites or even email them directly to parents. When using individual articles, please give credit with a statement such as: “Reprinted with permission of The Parent Institute.” Note: Only the entire issue will be available for online downloading and you will not be able to copy and paste articles out of the PDF format.
- You may remove selected Building Readers® stories and substitute articles you have written locally. The substituted items must be clearly identifiable as local stories—a school calendar, message from the principal, etc.
- Copyrighted materials from other sources may not be substituted in .
- You may reproduce the Building Readers® logos only when copying the entire newsletter or its individual pages. You may not alter or use the logos in any other way.
Helping Children Learn® & Helping Students Learn®
Building Level Ready-to-Reproduce Subscription License
- Your subscription to Helping Children Learn®/Helping Students Learn® allows you to reproduce and distribute in print and electronically all or just the parts you select of the entire newsletter within one school building.
- You may post the personalized issues of Helping Children Learn®/Helping Students Learn®, including accompanying artwork, on your school website or even email them directly to parents. When using individual articles, please give credit with a statement such as: “Reprinted with permission of The Parent Institute.” Note: Only the entire issue will be available for online downloading and you will not be able to copy and paste articles out of the PDF format.
- You may remove selected Helping Children Learn®/Helping Students Learn® stories and substitute articles you have written locally. The substituted items must be clearly identifiable as local stories—a school calendar, message from the principal, etc.
- Copyrighted materials from other sources may not be substituted in Helping Children Learn®/Helping Students Learn®.
- You may reproduce the Helping Children Learn®/Helping Students Learn® logos only when copying the entire newsletter or its individual pages. You may not alter or use the logos in any other way.
District Level Ready-to-Reproduce Subscription License
- Your subscription to Helping Children Learn®/Helping Students Learn® allows you to reproduce and distribute in print and electronically all or just the parts you select of the entire newsletter within your district.
- You may post the personalized issues of Helping Children Learn®/Helping Students Learn®, including accompanying artwork, on your district or school websites or even email them directly to parents. When using individual articles, please give credit with a statement such as: “Reprinted with permission of The Parent Institute.” Note: Only the entire issue will be available for online downloading and you will not be able to copy and paste articles out of the PDF format.
- You may remove selected Helping Children Learn®/Helping Students Learn® stories and substitute articles you have written locally. The substituted items must be clearly identifiable as local stories—a school calendar, message from the principal, etc.
- Copyrighted materials from other sources may not be substituted in .
- You may reproduce the Helping Children Learn®/Helping Students Learn® logos only when copying the entire newsletter or its individual pages. You may not alter or use the logos in any other way.
Parents make the difference!® & Parents still make the difference!®:
Individual Subscription License
- You may reproduce up to four (4) articles of your choice from each issue of Parents make the difference!®/Parents still make the difference® for use in your own school publications. The four articles you select, including accompanying artwork, may be reproduced and distributed both in print and electronically. Please give credit with a statement such as: "Reprinted with permission of The Parent Institute." You may not copy the entire newsletter with this subscription.
- You may post the four articles on a school website or send them by email.
- You may not reproduce, alter or otherwise use the registered Parents make the difference!®/Parents still make the difference® logos.
The Ready-to-Reproduce subscription offers expanded reproduction rights.
Building Level Ready-to-Reproduce Subscription License
- Your subscription to Parents make the difference!®/Parents still make the difference® allows you to reproduce and distribute in print and electronically all or just the parts you select of the entire newsletter within one school building.
- You may reproduce the pages separately or as a unit. However, you may not remove the copyright message from any page. You may use articles from each issue of Parents make the difference!®/Parents still make the difference®, including accompanying artwork, in your own newsletters or other publications. When using individual articles, please give credit with a statement such as: “Reprinted with permission of The Parent Institute.”
- You may download personalized issues of your newsletters and email them directly to parents or post them on your school website.
- You may remove selected stories and substitute articles you have written locally. The substituted items must be clearly identifiable as local stories.
- Copyrighted materials from other sources may not be substituted in Parents make the difference!®/Parents still make the difference®.
- You may reproduce the Parents make the difference!®/Parents still make the difference®logos only when copying the entire newsletter or its individual pages. You may not alter or use the logos in any other way.
District Level Ready-to-Reproduce Subscription License
- Your subscription to Parents make the difference!®/Parents still make the difference® allows you to reproduce and distribute in print and electronically all or just the parts you select of the entire newsletter within your district.
- You may reproduce the pages separately or as a unit. However, you may not remove the copyright message from any page. You may use articles from each issue of Parents make the difference!®/Parents still make the difference®, including accompanying artwork, in your own newsletters or other publications. When using individual articles, please give credit with a statement such as: “Reprinted with permission of The Parent Institute.”
- You may download personalized issues of your newsletters and email them directly to parents or post them on your district or school websites.
- You may remove selected stories and substitute articles you have written locally. The substituted items must be clearly identifiable as local stories.
- Copyrighted materials from other sources may not be substituted in Parents make the difference!®/Parents still make the difference®.
- You may reproduce the Parents make the difference!®/Parents still make the difference® logos only when copying the entire newsletter or its individual pages. You may not alter or use the logos in any other way.