Academic Achievement

Why Your Attendance Matters (Electronic)

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Research shows a clear link—students who come to class regularly do better in school. But many students don't see the connection. This Student Tip brochure discusses the importance of attendance to academic success.

Students with good attendance are more likely to get better grades, stay out of trouble and graduate. This Student Tip points out that even small improvements in attendance can result in big test-score gains. It outlines the common reasons students are tempted to skip school and explains why they are poor excuses.


Click here to view a sample in English.

Click here to view a sample in Spanish.


One-Year Subscription Pricing

License Size 1st Lang. 2nd Lang.
School Building $69.00 $49.00
Small District (Up to 2,500 Students) $99.00 $69.00
Medium District (Up to 25,000 Students) $159.00 $79.00
Large District (Over 25,000 Students) $219.00 $129.00

Regional Education Service/PIRC — Call for information.

English Spanish
School Building
Small District (Up to 2,500 Students)
Medium District (Up to 25,000 Students)
Large District (Over 25,000 Students)
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