
Questions Parents Ask About... Working with Your School

When parents are involved, students do better in school. This booklet helps to reassure parents that schools value their involvement. It promotes the importance of working with the school at conference time, when a child is struggling academically, bullied or doesn't like a teacher. 

Research shows that children whose parents are involved with their school show a significant improvement in academic achievement and cognitive development. But too often parents today just don't take the time or know how they can work with their child's school. The answers provided to the questions posed in this booklet give parents advice on how to work with the school.

Click here to view a sample in English.

Click here to view a sample in Spanish.


Booklet Pricing

Quantity Price
50 copies (minimum) $69.00
100 copies $119.00
250 copies $230.00
500 copies $435.00
1,000 copies $775.00
2,500 copies $1,750.00
5,000 copies $3,250.00

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