
Bullying: Engaging Families, Students and Staff in Your Anti-Bullying Program

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Bullying and cyberbullying pose serious problems in schools. No student or school is immune to bullying. Bullying affects girls and boys, happens in large and small schools and in urban, suburban and rural areas.

Studies show that bullying is most prevalent in middle school—28% of middle schoolers reported being bullied at school in 2019. Overall, 19% of students reported being bullied at school during that year.

Research also shows the devastating effects of bullying on student achievement. It undermines the ability of students to achieve their full potential.

But there are proven ways schools can ensure safety and provide a stress-free learning environment. The comprehensive Bullying: Engaging Families, Students and Staff in Your Anti-Bullying Program Resource Kit has everything you need!

How to Use This Kit

Three "turnkey" presentations (for educators, support staff and families) plus over 100 pages of resources will help you establish or enhance your anti-bullying program and comply with Department of Education policies. It is appropriate for elementary and secondary levels and will help your staff, families, students and community understand the causes of bullying, how it affects achievement and what can be done to make a difference.

What You Get

Available in English and English with a Spanish supplement, the Bullying kit contains all of these helpful components:

  • Three professionally narrated video presentations for educators, staff and families.
  • An online portal containing the educator, staff and parent PowerPoint slides and scripts to give the presentations yourself, plus Leader’s Guides to help you conduct successful meetings; advertising/planning tools such as media releases, letters and posters; and the kit’s printable materials including handouts, newsletter articles, surveys and more!
  • Over 100 pages of resources will help your staff, families, students and community better understand the causes for bullying, how it affects student achievement and what can be done to make a difference.
    • Resources for engaging staff: Materials to learn how to: create a bullying prevention leadership team, a survey, publicize your program’s policy/procedures and create/update your anti-bullying policy. Plus get a discipline rubric, checklist of best practices and a list of ways to incorporate the topic of bullying into the existing curriculum, involving students in classroom rules and more!
    • Resources for engaging families: Includes bully program announcement letter, ways to conduct a parent-teacher conference on bullying and overcome language barriers, 12 monthly articles to include in your family newsletters to keep them engaged all year long and more!
    • Resources for engaging students: How to promote and reward positive character traits, establish an anonymous bullying reporting system, use contests to motivate students, involve students in creative classroom rules, build anti-bullying into the curriculum and more!
    • Resources for engaging the community: You’ll get a media release, how-tos for business/school partnerships, ways to work with other schools and more.

Plus, your kit will include these supplemental materials to distribute to families:

All in a colorful, organized storage binder—hold all your kit components in one easy-to-find source for years of safekeeping!


Resource Kit Pricing

Quantity English Kit Only English Kit with Spanish Supplement
1 Kit
$399.00 $549.00
2 Kits
$749.00 total $998.00 total
5 Kits
$1,799.00 total $2,395.00 total
10 Kits $3,489.00 total $4,670.00 total

For quantities not listed, please email customer service at customer@parent-institute.com.


$399.00 $459.00