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Dealing with Peer Pressure (Electronic)

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While it is natural and healthy for children to rely more on friends as they mature, peer pressure during school years can be difficult, to say the least. This Student Tips brochure educates students about the role their peers play in affecting their behavior.

Second only to parents, many experts believe that students' peers have the greatest influence—for good or ill—on children as they grow up. This Student Tip helps students recognize the many ways their peers influence them. It details effective ways students can use peer pressure to help them when it is beneficial—and ways to resist it when it can be harmful. Specific suggestions are included.


Click here to view a sample in English.

Click here to view a sample in Spanish.


One-Year Subscription Pricing

License Size 1st Lang. 2nd Lang.
School Building $69.00 $49.00
Small District (Up to 2,500 Students) $99.00 $69.00
Medium District (Up to 25,000 Students) $159.00 $79.00
Large District (Over 25,000 Students) $219.00 $129.00

Regional Education Service/PIRC — Call for information.

English Spanish
School Building
Small District (Up to 2,500 Students)
Medium District (Up to 25,000 Students)
Large District (Over 25,000 Students)
Quantity-based pricing discounts applied at checkout