Elementary School

Financial Literacy Elementary QuickTip Series

Give families the knowledge and confidence they need to build their children’s financial literacy.

This QuickTips series is designed to help families teach children about money. Early exposure to financial literacy skills increases the chances of making effective economic decisions in adulthood—leading to a more secure financial future. Provide families with a wealth of advice and activities that bring economic concepts to life for children.

Receive printed copies each of the three QuickTips brochures in this series.

Titles include:

  • Teach Your Child the Basics of Money – suggests ways families can introduce concepts like using cash, working for a paycheck, making everyday purchases, and setting financial goals. Includes fun activities like sorting and counting money, visiting a bank, and playing store.
  • Show Your Child How to Make Responsible Money Choices – teaches families to help children explore goods and services, distinguish between needs and wants, think carefully before spending money, create and stick to a grocery budget, and more.
  • Deepen Your Child’s Financial Understanding – offers strategies for families to teach children more advanced economic concepts including how to get the most value for your money, the importance of saving and more. Includes a list of children’s books that promote financial literacy.



QuickTips Series Pricing

Available in sets of:

50 copies each = 150 QuickTips total. $139.00

100 copies each = 300 QuickTips total. $249.00

500 copies each = 1,500 QuickTips total. $799.00

