Middle School

Help Your Student Prepare for a Secure Financial Future (Electronic)

Post on your website, email to families, print on demand for a full year!

Offer families strategies to teach teens about earning, saving and investing with an eye toward the future. Teens can think about earning potential while exploring careers, set short- and long-term financial goals, establish and maintain a strong credit history, and more.


Click here to view a sample in English.

Click here to view a sample in Spanish.



One-Year Subscription Pricing

License Size 1st Lang. 2nd Lang.
School Building $99.00 $59.00
Small District (Up to 2,500 Students) $129.00 $79.00
Medium District (Up to 25,000 Students) $179.00 $89.00
Large District (Over 25,000 Students) $239.00 $139.00

Regional Education Service/PIRC — Call for information.

English Spanish
School Building
Small District (Up to 2,500 Students)
Medium District (Up to 25,000 Students)
Large District (Over 25,000 Students)
Quantity-based pricing discounts applied at checkout