Middle School

Student Tips Complete Set

Receive printed copies of each of our 14 trifold Student Tips in English.

Titles included:

  • How to Tackle Large Assignments - provides practical, easy-to-follow steps for breaking any large assignment into smaller steps and completing work on schedule.
  • How to Become a Better Writer - shares easy-to-use tips that can help any student organize and express ideas more effectively in writing.
  • How to Do Better in Math - offers proven strategies for success with math, from having the right attitude to estimating, breaking down word problems, practicing daily and more.
  • How to Do Better on Tests - spells out effective strategies for studying, preparing for and taking tests to maximize results.
  • 10 Study Secrets of Great Students - summarizes study essentials from goal-setting and time management to note-taking and recall strategies, and more.
  • How to Remember What You've Learned - explains effective techniques for retaining information, including visualization, relating new material to previous knowledge, chunking and self-testing.
  • Dealing With Peer Pressure - educates students about how to make independent decisions to do what's right and respond to negative pressure.
  • Dealing With Depression - teaches students the signs of depression and how to seek help.
  • Resolving Conflicts - reviews recognized ways to prevent, avoid and resolve common conflicts and when to get help.
  • Dealing With Bullies - details specific things students can do—and say—to help stop bullying, at school and online.
  • Why Your Attendance Matters - makes the evidence-based connection between attendance and academic success clear and responds to common excuses for absence. Students will learn ways to make timely attendance easier.
  • Making Better Choices - discusses ways students can think through decisions and learn from the results--vital information as the outcomes of choices take on more importance as students grow.
  • How to Get Along With Your Teachers - explains how students can improve working relationships with teachers to achieve their shared goal--the students' success.
  • Better Time Management - shows students how to track how they spend time, and use organizing, planning and scheduling techniques to manage it more effectively.




Student Tips Series Pricing

Available in sets of: 

25 copies each = 350 copies total. $197.00

50 copies each = 700 copies total. $309.00

100 copies each = 1,400 copies total. $575.00


