Middle School

Tough Issues QuickTip Series

Receive printed copies each of the four QuickTips brochures in this series to give parents the support they need when they are facing tough issues with their children.

Titles include:

Dealing with the Tough Issues...

  • The Disengaged Student - apathetic children leave parents and educators at a loss. This QuickTip has answers. It describes the apathetic child, possible causes, and gives advice on what parents can do to combat apathy.
  • Bullying - helps parents teach children ways of handling bullies, and how to avoid them. Parents will feel more at ease as they help their child avoid a bad experience.
  • Cheating & Dishonesty - discusses reasons a child will cheat or be dishonest and suggests ways parents can help children avoid it.
  • Helping Children Cope With Grief - advises parents to be honest, sensitive and patient with their child. Parents will also learn how to notice signs in their child's emotional and physical health, as well as, the importance of keeping normal routines so there is minimal disruption in schoolwork and other activities.




QuickTips Series Pricing

Available in sets of:

50 copies each = 200 QuickTips total. $159.00

100 copies each = 400 QuickTips total. $269.00

500 copies each = 2,000 QuickTips total. $899.00

