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Questions and Answers About Standardized Tests

Schools are required to explain standardized testing to parents. This booklet does that—and suggests ways to work with the school to help their child learn.

Over the past few years, standardized tests have become more important than ever and schools must provide understandable explanations to parents on standardized testing. This booklet is perfect for this purpose. It will help parents learn more about standardized tests, gives them information about the kinds of tests their child may take and helps them understand more about their child's score on each test. It also suggests ways to work with the school to help their child do their best. A must for all schools wanting to help parents understand standardized tests.

Click here to view a sample in English.

Click here to view a sample in Spanish.


Booklet Pricing

Quantity Price
50 copies (minimum) $69.00
100 copies $119.00
250 copies $230.00
500 copies $435.00
1,000 copies $775.00
2,500 copies $1,750.00
5,000 copies $3,250.00

For quantities not listed, please email customer service at

