Physical Product

Study Skills Student Tips Series

Receive printed copies of each of the three English Student Tips in the Study Skills set and boost achievement by helping your students with studying, testing and more!

Titles include:

  • How to Do Better on Tests - spells out proven ideas to help students do better on tests and maximize learning at the same time.
  • 10 Study Secrets of Great Students - summarizes the secrets great students use every day—secrets that can help any student learn more and do better in school.
  • How to Remember What You've Learned - many of the brightest minds in history have used clever ways to recall information they needed to learn. With this Student Tip, useful techniques like theirs can now be used by students in your school!




Student Tips Series Pricing

Available in sets of:

50 copies each = 150 brochures total. $120.00

100 copies each = 300 brochures total. $209.00

500 copies each = 1,500 brochures total. $744.00

