Physical Product

The School-Family Team: A Key to Your Student's Success

This double-sided Stuffer Card encourages cooperation between parents and schools in partnering to educate children.

This stuffer card reminds parents of their vital role in their student's education and encourages the best school and student support possible. Great to stuff inside report card envelopes, parent newsletters and backpacks. Hand them out at parent meetings, parent-teacher conferences or open houses.

Click here to view a sample in English.

Click here to view a sample in Spanish.


Stuffer Card Pricing

Quantity Price
200 copies $88.00
500 copies $185.00
1,000 copies $340.00
2,500 copies $750.00
5,000 copies $1,400.00
10,000 copies $2,600.00
25,000 copies $5,250.00

For quantities not listed, please email customer service at

