
Reading: A Key to Your Student's Success

Educators know that a student who excels at reading will also do better in every other subject. This double-sided card shares this important insight with parents and gives them specific ideas they can use to help build reading skills.

Experts agree that reading is the heart of school success. Good readers find it easier to do well in all subjects. This Stuffer Card reinforces the important role a parent plays in developing their children's love of reading with specific ideas they can use such as being a good role model, asking questions, encouraging "real life" reading, and praising progress.

Click here to view a sample in English.

Click here to view a sample in Spanish.


Stuffer Card Pricing

Quantity Price
200 copies $88.00
500 copies $185.00
1,000 copies $340.00
2,500 copies $750.00
5,000 copies $1,400.00
10,000 copies $2,600.00
25,000 copies $5,250.00

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