Building Student Responsibility QuickTip Series
Receive printed copies each of the five QuickTips brochures in this series to provide families with quick, easy, effective methods of building student responsibility at home and at school.
Titles include:
- Seven Habits of Highly Responsible Students - identifies seven habits common to responsible and successful students and suggests proven, practical ideas parents can use to help children develop them.
- Help Your Child Take Responsibility for Belongings and Schoolwork - details successful ways parents can teach children how to take responsibility for their belongings—and their schoolwork—by giving them practice at home.
- Learning Is Your Child's Responsibility - provides parents with successful home activities and strategies to help children understand the importance of education and accept responsibility for learning.
- Homework Time Made Easier...And More Effective - offers simple, specific and time-tested ideas parents need to help them get meaningfully involved in helping children of any age make better use of homework time.
Help Your Child Balance School & Extracurricular Activities - offers parents ways to help maintain a healthy balance for their child between school and additional activities.
QuickTips Series Pricing
Available in sets of:
50 copies each = 250 QuickTips total. $189.00
100 copies each = 500 QuickTips total. $299.00
500 copies each = 2,500 QuickTips total. $999.00